AERIUS Marine GmbH is a market leader in design, assembly, selection of the components and supply as well as commissioning of maritime HVAC solutions and a global player in the fields of piping, refrigeration and fire protection. Its activities focus on the passenger ship and navy vessel segments.
The company’s history is steeped in tradition with roots stretching back to the Rud. Otto Meyer (ROM) company founded in 1858. AERIUS Marine GmbH was formed in the scope of Imtech Marine Schiffbau-/Dockbautechnik GmbH’s recent name change.
AERIUS Marine is a turnkey supplier and system integrator for customised solutions with key focus on HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning). In addition, AERIUS Marine is a reliable partner throughout every phase of a ship’s life cycle.
Our Reliability is anchored by our people, products and services. In practice this translates into systems/equipment with a long lifespan and solid advice. We can provide each client with the right product; at all times and on time.
We operate an integrated management system which is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and covers the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards too. Our management system is implemented throughout the areas of construction, installation, commissioning and service for HVAC systems, piping and fire protection as well as fire fighting systems on board ships. When completing military projects, our management system takes the additional requirements of AQAP 2110 into consideration. In addition, we have also been granted a welding approval in accordance with the welding regulations published by DNV GL and are also certified by DNV GL in accordance with ISO 3834-2 and DIN 2303.

Lübecker Str. 128
22087 Hamburg
Site 6, Cameron Court,
Hillington Park
Glasgow, 652 4JH, Scotland
United Kingdom
Level 6 Reserve Bank Building, 111
Macquarie Street
Hobart 7000 Tasmania
205-CA, S/F,18/12
West Extension Area,
Karol Bagh, IN-110005
New Delhi